segunda-feira, 29 de julho de 2013

I Olimpíada Brasileira de Neurociências

Brazilian Brain Bee
Data: 03/08/2013
Horário: 9:00h
Local: Auditório Hertha Meyer, Sala G1-022, Bloco G, IBCCF, UFRJ, Ilha do Fundão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Mais informações:

quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2013

II Encontro Nacional de Popularização da Ciência, Tecnologia & Inovação

Local: Auditório da Geociências da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

Período: 18 e 20 de setembro de 2013

Data-limite para participação e submissão de resumos: 15 de agosto de 2013

Tema: Inovação

Apresentação: A popularização da Ciência, Tecnologia & Inovação (C,T&I) e as ações que visam à apropriação social do conhecimento são relevantes na formação permanente para a cidadania e no aumento da qualificação científico-tecnológica da sociedade. Desta forma, cabe às atividades de alfabetização científica o importante papel de informar e, até mesmo, educar cientificamente o cidadão através dos mais variados processos de comunicação científica.

O Encontro Nacional de Popularização da Ciência, Tecnologia & Inovação visa promover o intercâmbio entre diversos setores da sociedade, principalmente, profissionais da educação básica e pesquisadores, permitindo uma ampla discussão de estratégias que objetivam a melhoria da educação científica, popularização da C,T&I e a apropriação social do conhecimento.

Mais informações em:

terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2013

Workshop Arte com Ciência

Periodo: 20 de julho de 2013
Horário: 9h às 17h

Inscrições: até 17 de julho de 2013

Local: Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho (IBCCF) da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Mais informações:

sexta-feira, 5 de julho de 2013

8º Congresso Mundial de Estudos de Múmias

Venue: Museu Nacional/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Period: August 6th to 9th, 2013.

The Congress supporting core is made by three major Brazilian research institutions: Museu Nacional (National Museum), the first Museum in Brazil and currently part of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro Federal University); Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública (National School of Public Health), a research center of Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation) and Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia (Archaeology and Ethnology Museum) of the Universidade de São Paulo (São Paulo University).
As the first Mummy Congress in Brazil the aim is to cover as much as possible the diversity of mummies and related studies around the world in order to enhance new vocations and interests.

Inscriptions and fees:
To assure the reduced fee, please fill the registration form and send it until July 15th. There will be no payment on line. Attendants must pay the congress fee in the congress at the reception desk. The payment will be cash only and, if possible, in Brazilian currency. For those that could not have enough time to exchange, we will accept Dollars and Euros.

Registration Form:
- Reduced fee: U$ 80.00 for professionals and U$ 40.00 for students (for registrations forms send until July 15th)
- From July 16th to August 4th : U$ 100.00 for professionals and U$ 60.00
- August 5th and onwards: U$ 120.00 for professionals and U$ 80.00 for students.

Congress Program:
The 8th WCMS scientific program includes keynote lectures, symposia, podium and poster presentations. It will be online on June/July, 2013.
Congress proceedings
After the congress we will prepare the 8th WCMS proceedings. We intend to publish all presentations. Authors can submit the papers to the congress in Word or odt. formats or send it by e-mail until September 30th. We will send guideline papers soon.
 Accommodations in Rio de Janeiro
We selected a few hotels with a special discount for 8th WCMS attendants. As Rio de Janeiro is full of events in 2013, to guarantee those prices, a minimum number of reservations is required. Because of this we ask you to contact Gayatur ( to make reservations. We included one hotel in Copacabana area, but this place is a little far from the venue than the other suggested ones. Our choice was made considering best accommodations for a cheaper price. In the vicinity of those hotels, you can find some others, maybe with lower prices but with more modest services and accommodations. You’re free to contact Gayatur or directly search other hotels.
For the selected hotels, you’ll see the prices for one night and the prices for a full stay considering the arrival in August 5th to 10th, in order to attend all congress. If you plan to stay longer, please inform Gayatur when you make the reservation.
See also the list of hostels!
Visa requirements
We remind our foreign colleagues to inquire about the visas. Brazil maintains a policy of reciprocity in visa requirements. For the majority of countries nothing special is needed but for residents in some countries like USA, Canada, Australia, etc., bureaucratic procedures and taxes will be requested.
Congress structure:
Organizing Committee
Claudia Rodrigues-Carvalho (Brazil, Museu Nacional/UFRJ)
Veronica Wesolowski (Brazil, MAE/USP)
Andersen Liryo (Brazil, MN/UFRJ)
Niels Lynerup (Dannemark, University of Copenhagen)
Adilson Dias Salles (Brazil, ICB; MN/UFRJ)
Karl Reinhard (EUA)
Heather Gil-Ferking (EUA)
Sabina Malgora (Italia, Museum Castello del Buonconsiglio di Trento)
Jorge Lopes (Brazil, INT)

Scientific Committe

Sheila Mendonça de Souza (Brazil, ENSP/FIOCRUZ)


Sergio Serafim Francisco (Brazil, UFPE)
Dario Piombino-Mascali (University of Vilnius, Lithuania)
Adauto Araújo (Brazil, ENSP/FIOCRUZ)
Andrea Lessa (Brazil, MN/UFRJ)
Bernardo Arriaza (Chile, Universidad de Tarapaca)
Sonia Guillen  (Peru,  Centro Mallqui e Museo Leymebamba)
Rosalie David (UK, University of Manchester)
Salima Ikran (Egypt, American University in Cairo)
Antonio Bracaglion Jr (Brazil, MN/UFRJ)

Executive Committee

Silvia Reis (Brazil, MN/UFRJ)
Murilo Quintans Ribeiro Bastos (Brazil, MN/UFRJ)
Cintia Facuri (Brazil, MN/UFRJ)
Sandra Ferreira (Brazil, MN/UFRJ)
Angélica Estanek (Brazil, MN/UFRJ)
Karlo Castro (Brazil, MN/UFRJ)
Victor Bittar(Brazil, MN/UFRJ)
Veronica Wesolowski (Brazil, MAE/USP)


More information: