sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2014

British Neuroscience Association Meeting em Abril de 2015 em Edinburgo. Propostas: até 28 de fevereiro de 2014.

This is a forthcoming biennial event, the BNA2015: Festival of Neuroscience, 12-15 April 2015:

Dates: 12 - 15 April 2015
Venue: Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC)
Following the success of BNA2013, we are in the process of constructing the scientific programme for our next biennial meeting, BNA2015: Festival of Neuroscience (12-15 April 2015). This will take place at the EICC in Edinburgh and we expect that there will be about fifty symposia and workshops and a range of internationally recognised plenary speakers.
Event details are currently being finalised, please continue to check here for updates.  The official conference website ( will be launched shortly.
'The BNA is the organisation that brings together people from different disciplines who wouldn't otherwise talk to each other.'
- Professor Dame Uta Frith, University College London - winner of the BNA's 'Outstanding Contribution to Neuroscience' Award, 2013.
Partner Societies
Once again, the BNA will be partnering with a number of learned societies, clinical and non-clinical to deliver a comprehensive scientific programme with an outstanding public engagement element.
If your organisation is interested in becoming a partner society, then please contact 

Call for proposals:
We now invite UK neuroscientists to submit proposals for symposia or workshops on topics which are both timely and of wide interest for the Programme Committee to consider.
Please click here to submit your symposia and/ or workshop proposals. Closing date for proposals is 28th February 2014.
If you have suggestions for plenary speakers, please send these to, along with a short justification (~500 words) of why you would like to see them included.

More information:

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